Life tells us II - by spirit Neio Lucio - received by Francisco Cândido Xavier.
- The spirit's book - Allan Kardec.
"Containing the principles of spiritist doctrine on the immortality of the soul: the nature of the spirit and their relations with men, the moral law, the present life, the future life, and the destiny of human race - According to the teachings of spirits of high degree, transmitted through various mediums, collected and sei'in order by Allan Kardec"
- The Mediums' Book -Allan Kardec.
Begin the sequel to "The Spirits' Book" -Allan Kardec.
- The Gospel according to Spiritsm - Allan Kardec.
"Contains explanations of the moral maxims of Christ in accordance with Spiritism and their application in various circumstances in life."
- Heave and Hell or the Divine Justice vindicated in the plurality of existences.
"Containing a comparative examination of the variours doctrines concerning the passage from the earthly life to spirit-life, future rewards and punishments. Angels and devils, etc. Followed by numerous example of the state of the soul during and after death."
- Genesis - Allan Kardec.
"The miracles and predictions according to spiritism."
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